Wedding of Ned and Alex Topping, St Mary's, December 2018
If you are planning a wedding then congratulations!
A church wedding is something special. You make your vows to one another before the people you have invited along and before God. You are then joined together in Holy Matrimony - the best possible way to begin your married life together.
Being married in a church means that in future years you will be able to visit again and see the church more or less as it was on your wedding day. A church is so much more than a 'wedding venue'. We regularly get visitors from across the world who return because they were married here, often many decades ago. It is also possible to come back and renew your marriage vows, perhaps on a special anniversary.
Some couples have a civil ceremony (such as at the registry office) and then come to the church for a Wedding Blessing.
Your wedding service will be held in the beautiful church of St Mary's, East Lavant. If you would like to take a look inside the church then you will find that it is open each day 10am - 4pm and of course you are most welcome to join us on Sunday morning!
What you need to know
The law requires couples who wish to be married in the Church of England to have a connection with the parish. It is important that when you are married here that we know you rather than with a civil ceremony conducted by an anonymous official.
You can be married at Lavant Church if one of you:
has at any time lived in the parish of Lavant for a period of at least 6 months, or
was baptised (christened) in the parish, or
was prepared for confirmation here
has at any time regularly gone to normal church services in Lavant for a period of at least 6 months
That one of your parents, at any time after you were born:
has lived in Lavant for a period of at least 6 months, or
has regularly gone to normal church services in Lavant for a period of at least 6 months
That one of your parents or grandparents:
was married in Lavant
A number of couples do get married in Lavant Church each year who do not meet any of the above requirements. If that applies to you, then the way open to you is to attend church here. The minimum requirement is once per month for six consecutive months. This needs to be before your banns are called (normally two months before your wedding). In doing this we will get to know each other and it often gives you chance to ask those questions that have cropped up or have a chat with our organist about music for your service.
NB there is no specific requirement of a connection with the parish for those wanting a Wedding Blessing
The next step
As soon as you have an idea of a wedding date, please contact the rector (01243 527313 or A meeting will be arranged to take the full details and give you the information that you need such as arranging for your banns to be called and the wedding fees.
To help with your planning
The Church of England's website your church wedding is full of useful information including ideas for music, readings, the words used in the service as well as answering many common questions. You are always very welcome to contact the rector on any matter in connection with your wedding.
Luke our organist can be contacted on 07985-789765
Click on the buttons below for information on the fees and other useful details.