Contact Us
We are currently in a Vacancy without a Rector. During this period please don’t hesitate to contact one of our churchwardens or PCC secretary on any of the contact details below:
Rectory Tel: 01243-527313
email: Rector
The Rectory, Pook Lane, East Lavant, PO18 0AH
day off: Monday
Please contact the Rector should you wish to arrange a baptism, wedding or funeral. For those contemplating marriage you may wish to view this video showing the marriage vows of one young couple and the commitment and meaning that the vows meant to them.
Mrs Gina Bill email: Churchwarden Tel: 01243 528145
Mr Iain Campbell email: Churchwarden Tel: 07770 221336
PCC Secretary:
Zoe Mann, email: PCC Secretary
PCC Treasurer:
The PCC Treasurer post is currently unfilled but correspondence for can be sent by email: Treasurer
Youth and School's Worker
Our Youth and School's Worker is Frances Talbot and the areas she covers include Junior Church, Messy Church and the Youth Group. You can contact Frances by email or by phone 07526779696 .
Church Bookings:
The Lavant Room, St Mary's Church and St Nicholas' Church are available for hire. For further details, please contact the bookings secretary, Clare Morrison, either by email: Church Bookings Secretary or by using the booking enquiry form
Website Editor:
Mr Richard Whincop email: Web Master
Lavant News Editors:
Please send articles for consideration to the editors email: Lavant News Editors
Lavant News Advertising:
If you wish to place an advertisement in the Lavant News then please email our Advertising Desk email: Advertising Desk @ Lavant News
Lavant News Subscriptions:
The Lavant News is free to all Lavant residents and church members - your copy is delivered free [provided you live in Lavant or close by]. However, if you would like a copy posted to you then please email the subscriptions administrator email: Lavant News Subscriptions
Newsletter Editors:
Please send entries for the weekly newsletter to this email: Newsletter Editors
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