community activities

At Lavant Churches we aim to be a blessing to the community.

Our activities below are open to everyone whether you are involved in church or not.

All of these activities take place in St Nicholas' church which is widely used for community events.

Toddlers, every Tuesday in school term time, 9 - 11am

For any pre-school children - we have plenty of play equipment including larger items like trikes. Craft activities are also available. The children help to 'tidy-up' towards the end before sharing in some action songs. £1 per family (please note that a parent or carer must be present throughout the session).

Lunch House - second Wednesday of the month, 12 noon - 1pm

Beautiful home-cooked food with a varied menu is provided each month. For around £5 you can enjoy a three course meal in a friendly and welcoming environment. Families with children are welcome and smaller meals and/or simpler meals will be provided as requested. Also provided for younger visitors is a carpeted area with toys and books.

Tea & Chat - third, fourth and fifth Wednesday of the month, 2 - 3.30pm

Light refreshments are provided at this friendly group and you are also welcome, if you wish,  to bring along any knitting, sewing or other craft activity which you would like to undertake during this time.

Youth Group - every Monday during term time, 6-7pm

Open to years 6-10 . A variety of fun and games every  week.

Brunch Cafe - first Saturday of the month, 9.30 - 11.30am 

Enjoy great coffee and great food (bacon rolls, flapjacks, freshly baked pastries to name a few). There is a craft table for children. Sometimes other community groups will display their work and publicise their activities. There is no charge, donations welcome.

Messy Church - Second Thursday of the Month [term times], 3.30-530pm

You are invited to attend Messy Church which takes place on the second Thursday of every month during term time in St Nicholas’s Church, Lavant. It is from 3.30 to 5.30 pm. 

It is open to all ages, but children must be accompanied by an adult. 

There will be crafts, activities, songs, games, a sit-down meal and stories.

There is no charge, donations will be accepted.

For further information contact Frances Talbot,

 St Nicholas' Church is also available for hire at very reasonable rates.  For further information call 01243 527725 or fill out the form here