
Most of our services are centred on the Eucharist (also known as Holy Communion, The Lord's Supper or the Mass). When Jesus shared the Last Supper with his disciples he told them that they should share in this meal in the future in order to remember Him. Therefore we follow this commandment and we learn to know Jesus through the words of the Bible and sharing the bread and wine (the communion).

Said Eucharist 8am Sunday and 10am Wednesday

This is a communion service without any music. It includes a reading from the Old Testament or one from the New Testament together with the Gospel reading for the day. A short sermon is given. This services suits those who prefer a quieter service and also those who have time earlier on a Sunday morning before other commitments.

Sung Eucharist 10am Sunday (2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Sunday of the month)

This is also a communion service but with music and hymns. There is a reading from the Old and the New Testament before the Gospel reading. A sermon is given. This is the main service on Sundays. Junior Church is available for those aged up to eleven, during school term time. 

Let's Celebrate 10am Sunday (1st Sunday of the month)

On the first Sunday of the month, the 10am Sung Eucharist is replaced with our Let's Celebrate service and takes place at St Nicholas Church. This is a shorter, non-communion service. There is one Bible reading, a short sermon is given and then a talk directly involving the children. Children are also encourage to help in the service such as by doing the collection or helping with the prayers. The music is a mixture of well known hymns and contemporary worship songs.

Messy Church 3.30pm (2nd Thursday of the month during term times)

Messy Church is a way of being church for families and others. It is Christ-centred, for all ages, based on creativity, hospitality and celebration.

Pattern of Services

We are blessed to have two ancient church buildings to meet in: St Mary's in East Lavant and St Nicholas' in Mid Lavant. The services normally alternate between the two:

St Mary's church is open 10am and 4pm each day for any who would like to visit.

St Nicholas' church is generally open from Monday to Friday 10am to 4pm.

See the Church Calendar for other events & Services

Messy Church

Palm Sunday procession from the village green

Making Christingles during the service

The Rededication of St. Nicholas Church

Some of our sidespeople who welcome people as they enter the church.

The choir leading out at the end of the service.

Refreshments after the service

All Hallow's Eve service