The life of the church is sustained by prayer. Please pray our prayer for Lavant:
Lavant Churches Prayer
Heavenly Father,
We give thanks for calling us to serve and worship you in the Parish of Lavant.
We ask your blessing upon our ministry, mission and outreach into the community we serve in your Name.
May we grow in our love for you and of our neighbour, that we may be beacons of light and hope to our community and beyond.
We ask through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord
who lives and reigns with you
in the unity of the Holy Spirit
One God now and forever
You can join in with the daily prayer of the church by following this link. You can also install the Church of England's daily prayer app on your phone.
If you prefer to be led in prayer by listening and engaging your imagination then the Pray as you go site will allow you to do just that. This site is run by the Jesuits in Britain.
This simple form of daily prayer can be printed. Click on the top right corner - pop out.

Please use the contact us form and choose prayer request if you would like support in prayer. Your request will be passed onto one of our prayer team members who will pray for you and/or the need you give.